
Council Overview and Description

  • Made up of graduate students in the Arts and Sciences program
  • Distributing the student activities fee
    • 5 committees

Chair and Exec Position Vacancies:

  • Professional Development Committee
  • Acting VP of Communications
    • Stephanie Lehman
      • Approved unanimously
      • Will want a replacement for University Student Council Representative position

Orientation Recap

  • Happy with how it went & positive feedback
  • Second year redesigning the orientation program

Wolfpack Form

  • Brief survey for interest in committees and positions on council


Committee Updates:

  • Social Committee (Brett Chancellor):
    • Wild Wing Cafe Happy Hour with Engineering School
      • Friday, September 12 on the patio from 6-9 pm
      • Free food & drink specials
    • Happy Hour with GBS
      • Friday, September 26 at Toro's Tacos upstairs from 5-7 pm
      • Free food & drink specials
  • Initiatives Committee (Alec Hickmott):
    • Student Advocates for Graduate Education (SAGE)
      • Federal level/lobbying organization that works amongst graduate students in public universities annual meeting and has presence in DC as a lobbying organization
      • Current main issues include grad student indebtedness, VISAs for foreign students
      • SAGE wants to know whether we as an organization want to get involved (would be one liaison from GSASC)
      • Conference call once a month and one annual meeting in D
      • Will vote on this at next meeting & will find out what commitment they need from us
  • Research Committee (Diana Dinescu):
    • Overview of committee
  • Professional Development Committee (Katie Schiermeyer):
    • Co-Chairs Needed
  • Finance Committee (Danielle Racke):
    • Need an itemized receipt for reimbursement & contact Danielle or Nivi before spending money
    • At committee meetings, $5 per member attended
    • China Dialogue Dinner for $250
      • Interdisciplinary dialogue between Chinese and American students
      • Approved Unanimously
    • Wild Wing Cafe Happy Hour with Engineering School for $400
      • Approved Unanimously
    • Happy Hour with GBS for $400
      • Approved Unanimously


Meeting Adjourned, next meeting is 10/6 in Newcomb Hall Gallery Room