Meeting Minutes- 05 September 2011

 Meeting convened in the Newcomb Hall Back Room at 6 pm


Welcome & Introductions

  Dean Laushway

     Be sure to keep a full agenda. Contact me (Laushway) if you have questions or need help with GSASC activities.

     Continue using the back room and the amenities provided (microwave and fridge in the side room, lockers available as well).

     Dining Services has offered a Wine and Cheese event, be sure to schedule this.


     Most GSASC Work is done by committees. There will be a new process to assign people to committees, compared to previous years

    Initiatives Committee (Elizabeth)

       Formerly "life committee", this encompasses issues affecting graduate student life.

       Task out issues facing graduate students, creating "task forces" of 2-3 people.

       Proposed issues to address this year (non-exhaustive list):

        - Career Services

        - Graduate student family leave

        - Activities fees

    Social Committee (Ilon on behalf of Stehanie and Oat)

       Coordinate and organize annual and regular social events (e.g. tailgates and happy hours).

    Budget Committee (Dylan)

       Meet monthly to go over funding requsts submitted to GSASC. The committee makes funding recommendations to the larger council.

    Huskey (Research) Committee (Shawn)

       In charge of the Huskey Research Exhibition in the Spring. Organizes the completely student run event. Accordingly, this group meets mostly in the Spring semester.

     A google doc survey will be sent around to determine preferences.

     Aiming for ~3 hours/month total time commitment for GSASC.

Funding Proposals

   General comments on funding:

    - look at the scope of the funding

    - look at the number of graduate students affected

    - Expect ~$17,000 per year in funding

    - Budget Committee will generally give reasons for their recommendations

  Chemistry Students - Conference Funding

     $1,000 requested to attend a conference.

     Recommendation to not fund as GSASC doesn't fund individual travel. Motion seconded, unainmously approved.

  PhD Comics Movie

     There is interest in getting a PhD Comics movie showing this Fall from GSAS members, Social Committee, and the Grad. Engineering Council. Movie showing is $700, Eng council will cover half. Funding request for $350. Expecting attendance of at least 100 students.


      - Mike (comment): Students have expressed interest to him, confident there would be sigifnicant interest/attendance.

      - Elizabeth L.: Where would the screening be held?

       Kosta: Depends on the results of the survey and the number of people interested.

      - Shawn (comment): Grad biosciences has already contacted GSASC as well about doing a screening.

     Motion to approve, seconded. Unanimously passed.

  Happy Hour

     Sept 15/16 for Happy Hour. Location TBD, recommending $400 to support.


      - Can we get graduate students to talk to people in other departments?

     Motion to approve funding, seconded, Unanimous approval.


     $400 requested. Note that we often don't need to spend this much. Plan for next home game? (Sept 24th - Southern Miss)

     Motion to approve, seconded, Unanimous approval.

  Food for meetings

     Fund for the semester, $150/meeting ($450 for the semester).

     Motion to approve funding, seconded. Unanimous approval.

New Members, Website, and Email (George)

   Sign up sheet passed around. Emails will go onto the GSASC email list.

   Contact George for news items to spread.

Meeting Location and Food

   Back Room situation in flux. Uncertain about future meeting location.

   Please let us know if you have food recommendations. Food is subject to Aramark restrictions in some rooms.


   Stay tuned via email. Google doc for committees going out soon.

   Invite other graduate students to join as GSASC members.

   We are working on an end of year retreat for GSASC.


Meeting adjourned.