
October General Body Meeting

Monday, October 5th, 6:30pm


  1. Roll Call

    • Reached quorum of 7 department representatives.

  2. Updates, News, and Reminders

    • Ed Barnaby will visit next month, after some important GSAS decisions have been made and announced.

    • Graduate Education Committee update

      • New representatives: Thomas Storrs, Hayley Elszasz, and Tyler Barnes

      • Focus going forward will be on PhD education going forward, past the COVID era.

    • President Ryan’s September 23 announcement (now extended until October 21)

      • Travel restriction doesn’t apply to graduate students 1) traveling for research needs, if following CDC travel guidelines; or 2) family obligations.

      • GPC letter writing campaign to exempt graduate students from this unilateral and callous policy; Tyler will be sending a letter on behalf of GSAS.

    • Department updates

      • English—DGS has been in contact with them about next year’s admissions.

      • Anthropology—will not be admitting new graduate students this year.

  3. Committee Updates

    • Honor Committee

      • Upcoming debate on the single sanction—Honor representative will bring the arguments to GSAS for opinions.

    • University Judiciary Committee

      • Hearing lots of COVID-related cases.

    • Social Committee

      • Brainstorming ways to use the funds we’ve been allocated to facilitate safe but fun social activities for grad students; contact the chairs to share any ideas.

    • Research Committee

      • First round of research grants: award maximum of $750 per recipient, up to a total of $7,500.

      • Applications are due Nov. 23, and winners will be announced mid-December.

      • Flyer will be sent around in the October GSASC Connections email.

      • Asking for people to serve on the review committees; contact Tyler if interested.

      • There will be a second round in the spring.

      • Huskey will be held March 29, entirely virtually.

    • Finance Committee

      • Shared this year’s budget.

      • Funding Request

        • Approved $7,500 for the GSASC Research Grant

  4. For the Good of the Order

    • No reports.