StudCo Representative Vacancy – We need one representative for the undergraduate student council.


New Student Handbook – Interest in organizing a new graduate student handbook, which would be handed out to new students and uploaded to GSASC website?

·      We will soon need help organizing sections of the document.

·      If your department already has similar information, please forward to Ben.


Committee Updates:

Research Committee:

·      Huskey Date Change – New date: March 23rd. If your department has an event/conference around this time, please let us know so we can avoid scheduling conflicts.

Initiatives Committee

·      External Award FAQ – Received final exits from the committee, will soon be posted on the GSASC website.

·      Sexual Misconduct White Paper Update – We are recommending that TAs get in-person training on how the new policy affects them. We are also still collecting feedback for the sexual misconduct module (please send to Stephanie).

·      Health Insurance Coverage – We are comparing our health policy to other universities. We’ll also gather information from the national SAGE meeting.

Social Committee:

·      Three Notch’d Beer Tasting, 10/13 (7-10pm), may also include a food truck.

·      Halloween Party, 10/30 (8-10:30pm), costume contest – we are looking for businesses that may be interested in donating prizes.

·      Interest in a Winter Formal this year?

Finance Committee

·      Funding Requests

o   Three Notch’d (Internal) $500 - approved

o   Halloween Party (Internal) $300 - approved

o   Classics Colloquium (External) $400 - approved

o   QueerGrads Halloween Party (External) $100 - approved

·      Proposed Sanctions form Microbiome Interest Group – the group missed the application deadline, their event didn’t conform to GSASC standards (it was a closed event), and we haven’t heard about their requested reimbursement since the event 7 weeks ago.

o   Request to retract funding of $75 - approved


Next Meeting: Monday, Nov. 2nd, 6pm, Newcomb Gallery