October 2022

General Body Meeting

October 10th, 2022,  6:00-7:30 PM
Clark 107

1. Call to Order and Welcome (5min)

a. Socials Reminder

i. Website: gradcouncil.com with calendar, social events, etc.

ii. Twitter: (at)UvaGradCouncil

2. Ice Breaker (8min)

3. GSAS Business

a. Stipends in Humanities - Jennifer Marine (7min)

i. Raise does not apply to students on dissertation completion fellowships/digital humanities fellowships because it’s all wrapped up in summer funding

ii. Inconsistencies across how the raise was applied (some people get 1000 per year and 1000 for the summer, some get all 2000 in the summer)

iii. Not everyone has been forwarded the initial email from the Dean announcing the raise; we circulate that.

iv. Important clarification: perhaps there is a technical exception for 6th year phds, as they are outside the guaranteed 5 year funding package

b. Bridge to the Doctorate program – Louisa Liles (7 min)

i. Yay! We have a rep who is a Bridge student! ShyAnn can speak to this and recruit colleageus

c. Funding Code Technical Amendments – Max Schnidman (7 min)

i. Update language to reflect the fact that we now use Workday - approved

ii. Advance deadline: proposed a deadline of 7 days before the funding meeting, rather than 3 days before –approved

iii. Potential remote vote re: potential Halloween party in the works

4. Large Group Discussion

a. GSASC Constitution Reform - TCA Achintya (15 min)

i. An opportunity to think more broadly about the role of grad council

ii. Do we liaise between students & information do we advocate for students, how do we balance those things

iii. “vibe check”

iv. TCA Achintya: certain rep to take demands to administration?

v. Erik: thanks for bringing this up, the timing of this is good considering how much COVID has changed the council anyway. Add language emphasizing our role in supporting any individual student who wants to advocate for something/push this forward to the admin

vi. MJ: there may already be language about temporary committees which can be made more permanent

vii. We broke out into groups and discussed this individually. Remember to share your thoughts in this form! (I imagine our Constitution and Bylaws committee would appreciate responses from folks who couldn’t make it but are reading these minutes)

5. For the Good of the Order/Old Business

a. Dean China Schertz (Graduate Dean) will come to talk to us next meeting and Dean Acampora (Dean of A&S) in the Spring

b. Meeting with President Ryan and SYMBOV representative in a few weeks if there is anything specific I should bring in front of him; reach out to Kylor if you have any specific concerns you would like her to bring to their attention

c. Financial Literacy Workshop, Friday Oct 14th 9:30am-11:30am, Holloway Hall, register at https://bit.ly/3yi6G3q sponsored by School of Education Council and First Generation Graduate Student Coalition

d. Aaron and Erik will send out document about childcare, in particular to DGS’s. Action item for reps: make sure your DGS is aware of this

e. We voted in a second UJC representative from GSAS! Yay!

f. informational panel about management consulting, Thursday, October 14 at 5pm, Zoom link here

6. Breakout into Committees to touch base and discuss rest of fall plans