
November General Body Meeting

Monday, November 2nd, 6:30pm


  1. Roll Call

    • Reached quorum of 7 department representatives.

  2. Updates, News, and Reminders

    • Q&A with Dean Barnaby

      • Email forthcoming with various initiatives for doctoral students.

      • Working with DGSes and advisors to implement creative opportunities to jump-start research that the pandemic has affected

      • Working on a few initiatives to extend living support

      • Will there be any changes to grad student stipend/payment schedules with changes in the academic calendar?

        • No change at all; as far as the graduate school is concerned, there are two 20-week pay periods, unaffected by the shifting date of classes.

      • Are there any initiatives regarding the support of digital pedagogy for instructors?

        • There were digital pedagogy internships for graduating students this past summer. The dean’s office is piloting ways of bringing that into the academic year.

        • CTE and PhD+ have opportunities for this, and more going forward.

      • How is GSAS supporting international grad students right now?

        • A&S hands are tied by university and federal policies and economic realities. This was the only semester you can be outside the country and still be paid as a TA/RA.

    • Department updates

      • None

  3. Committee Updates

    • Honor Committee

      • Reforms to the multi-sanction system are on the agenda.

    • University Judiciary Committee

      • No graduate students have come before UJC this semester—keep up the good work!

    • Social Committee

      • Brainstorming ways to use the funds we’ve been allocated to facilitate safe but fun social activities for grad students; contact the chairs to share any ideas.

    • Research Committee

      • Research grant applications are due Nov. 23, and winners will be announced mid-December.

      • Volunteer grant reviewers (minimum of 9) needed; contact Tyler if interested.

        • You can be a reviewer and still submit a grant application! This can go on your CV! See inside the grant review process!

      • There will be a second round of grants in the spring.

    • Finance Committee

      • No requests for funding.

    • Graduate Education Committee

      • Schools and departments might be trending toward fewer PhD students with more years of funding.

      • Looking for general changes to graduate education to cope with changes to the job market.

      • More emphasis on diversity, equity, and inclusion.

      • Survey forthcoming to give input about the direction of graduate education.

      • It will be at least a year before any changes really happen, but people are thinking about the future.

  4. For the Good of the Order

    • GO VOTE TOMORROW (if you are eligible and haven’t already)!!

    • Final meeting of the semester will be December 7.