
November General Body Meeting

Monday, November 4th 6:00pm

Newcomb Commonwealth Room

  1. Welcome

  2. Updates, New, & Reminders

    • Department Updates

    • New parental leave policy for graduate students

      • More information found here

    • Update on Questionnaire and Department Reviews

      • Collated responses, and sent to Ed Barnaby as anonymous information

      • May do another round of the questionnaire

  3. Feedback on Transitioning to Charlottesville

    • Motivated by a meeting with the president of the law school council

    • What do you wish you had known? What were the most difficult?

      • Maps? Transportation? Housing? Neighborhoods?

      • Cost of living? Insurance? Tax information?

        • Logan Hobbes is a UVA resource for graduate students regarding tax information

      • Diversity resources? Student Council vs. Grad Council oversight?

      • Perhaps produce a document with information on transitioning to Charlottesville

  4. Committee Updates

    • Honor Committee (Adam Huckaby & Charlotte McClintock)

      • Disparity in reporting; understanding which department chooses to report and why that happens

      • Honor popular assembly this week

        • Wednesday 10/6/19, meet-and-Greet 4pm – 6pm on the South Lawn

        • Thursday 10/7/19, debate 6pm – 8pm in Hotel C, Jefferson Hall: Jefferson and Washington Debating Societies

        • Sunday 10/10/19 on 4th floor Newcomb, 8pm – 9pm: open invitation to attend Honor Committee

    • University Judiciary Committee (Kyle Chattleton & Jacob Botsford)

    • Initiatives Committee (Rob Dyer & Natalia Perez)

      • Met with Ed Barnaby about waiving the summer gym fee, just need to speak with Ed Rivers, head of gym facilities

      • In the process of compiling a list of resources in and beyond the committee for incoming and current graduate students

        • Refer to Feedback on Transitioning to Charlottesville

        • Awareness of logistical issues with funding (i.e., reimbursement)

        • Disability parking spaces for students

        • CAPS screening is more undergraduate student focused; communicate with CAPS to have a more graduate student focused approach

    • Social Committee (Tyler Wake)

      • Two October events

        • Tailgate: UVA vs. Duke on 10/19

          • Met budgeted of $300

        • Halloween party

          • Partnered with GSEC, GBS, EdCouncil, Med School

          • Came under budget of $1500

          • Total expenditure ~$3100

    • Research Committee (Shalmi Barman & Jeremy Eberle)

      • Met with Dean Laushway

        • Recommended to include biomedical councils and nursing

      • Trying to push Huskey to before Spring Break (tentatively first week of March)

    • Finance Committee (Nick Scott)

      • Funding Requests

        • French Film Festival: February 13-16, 2020

          • Request for $400: $300 for food and $100 for publicity posters

            • Funding request approved

          • Open to students and larger Charlottesville community

          • French language film festival (subtitles included)

      • If you have funding requests, please submit!

  5. For the Good of the Order

    • UVA Student Council Graduate Affairs: set up organization to promote and help with the welfare of students who have a family, partner, etc.

    • Next meeting is December 2, and will be a reception to thank council members (bring a government ID!)