Meeting Notes - 05 November 2012

New Members

New members were introduced and their committee assignments were given.

Kate Sanger – Vice President of Administration

Thank you for forwarding the Parental Leave Survey to your departments. We got 250 responses, which is enough to forward results onto the administration. Quantitative results posted on the website, this is worth checking out.

GSAS Admissions is looking for video or written testimonials from current students. Contact Kate if you'd like to do this.

Tuition Increases - Emily Fenichel

Art History department was told there may be future tuition increases, particularly for ABD students. There will be a meeting on 09 November about this (Deans / Provost level), but it's not clear what will be done. Possibility of grandfathering in existing students so they are not affected. Art History DGS will update Emily with the results meeting.

Mike Schreck: Only a few departments don't pay the non-topical research fees, is this what you're talking about? Emily: Yes, they are talking about 100% increases. This seems to be higher pressure on some departments. Mike: Econ, Art History, Anthro have historically been the only departments requiring their students to pay these tuition fees.

Emily Gravett: Have any graduate students been invited to be part of this? Emily F.: No, it's not clear who knows about this.

Ilon: Will this tuition increase be progressive against older students? That's how its done at other schools.

Emily F.: Art History DGS doesn't know the details. It may be to get people out the door.

Committee Updates

Initiatives Committee – Crystal Richardson

Thanks to the reps for sending out a survey on volunteer events. Response was in favor of an environmental, habitat for humanity, or run/walk. This weekend there will be a graduate student run/walk involved with the 4th year 4K. Vince Kan volunteered to be the point person.

If you're interested in Initiatives Committee, talk to Crystal after the meeting.

Professional Development Committee – Madison Stellfox & Ellie Kaknes

Grad Days is in the planning stages for the Spring. Have finished making a survey for this, would like to have it forwarded to the departments.

Monday, 19 November: Committee will meet in Newcomb Gallery 6pm.

Research Committee – Evan Joslin & Kaycie Tayler

Huskey is happening on 27 March. More information as the time approaches. The committee has filled its internal spots. 6 - 26 February will be the application window. Keynote speakers have been invited.

Social Committee – Trish Lauck

Halloween Party was a great success. Thanks for everyone who came out, especially those who helped. Over 200 people attended. Over $1000 in ticket sales, so only spent $490.

Wine and Cheese on Monday 12 November. 5-7pm in the Newcomb Lounge.

Brewery Tour on 17 November.

Happy hour at the beginning of December at the Moto Saloon. Possibly with a donation box for Toys for Tots.

Oat: Thanks to social committee and Trish for organizing a great party.

Mike Schreck – Vice President of Finance

GSASC Budget submitted for approval. Last month we tabled the item for further discussion. Committees must still submit funding requests but the budget gives them an idea of how much they have available for the year.

Motion to approve the budget, seconded. Passes unanimously.

Huskey Research Exhibition

$2150. Committee recommendation.

Motion to fund, seconded, passes unanimously.

German Graduate Studies Conference

$500 requested, committee recommended funding $150 because the funding request was unclear (number of graduate students that will be attending, status of outside funding). They could come back for the rest of the funding with a separate, refined request.

Has this been funding in the past? How much as been funded? Yes, $500.

Multiple departments are involved.

Motion to fund at $150, seconded, motion passes with 1 vote against, the rest for.


$400 request, recommendation to fund at $400.

Motion to fund at $400, seconded, passes unanimously.

Biology Department Career Day

Speakers talking about nontraditional careers. Working with graduate career offices to open this up to more departments. $250 request for food, recommended to fund at $250.

$250 is a reasonable amount for the number of students that they expect to attend. This event is scheduled for December $14.

This funding request would come out of "External Funding Requests" from the budget.

Motion to discuss further, seconded, passes unanimously.


Is this duplicating Melissa Hurst's seminar?

Mike: No, this is probably covering a bit of a different set of topics. It's focused on biological and health sciences, but it's not just one department. It's tough to do multiple departments.

The funding request is in order to expand the number of people that can be accommodation by the session.

Motion to fund at $250, seconded, passes unanimously.

Happy Hour at Moto Saloon

$400 requested, recommended to not fund. Recommendation was made because people have complained that these events are not enjoyable unless you already know people.

Have the opportunity to resubmit for next month.

Motion for discussion, seconded, passes unanimously.

How is this justification different from other events where there are no attempts to get people to mingle (e.g., movie nights, etc.). People in departments do look forward to these events, so we don't want to risk dumping them.

Trish: I can see about trying to develop the events.

George: We could do multiple events.

Mike: The main difference with other events is that no one has complained.

Motion to fund at $400, seconded, passes unanimously.

Wine and Cheese

$450 request (cost will be supplemented by Dean Laushway and the Dean of Students).

Motion to fund at $450, seconded, passes unanimously.

Brewery Tour

UTS bus to 2 breweries and a cidery.

$490 to clear a PTAO expense. It would only be this expensive if something bad happened. Expenses will be offset by at the door requests.

Motion to fund, seconded, passes unanimously.

Position of Vice President of Communication

Ilon nominates Ben Vaughan. Motion to approve nomination, seconded, passes unanimously.