May General Body Meeting

Zoom, 5/3/21, 7 pm

  1. Updates, News, and Reminders

    • Reached quorum for elections.

    • There will be a transition meeting for GSASC officers and chairs on May 13 at 5:30 pm. Link and more information to come.

    • ComSciCon is August 16-18. It’s a free online science communication conference for graduate students and post-docs in STEM. Apply online by June 1:

  2. Committee Updates

    • Honor Committee

      • Request for a second Honor representative. This next year will have a lot of legislative business, and the more voices represented, the better!

      • Will be involved with planning GSAS orientation for the fall.

    • University Judiciary Committee

      • No updates.

    • Social Committee

      • Virtual Trivia Night on Friday, May 7, at 7 pm: Put together a team of four to six friends, and email your teams to Jay at There is a cap of 30 people, so get your teams in ASAP. Because the trivia questions will come from a variety of categories, a well-balanced team is the key to victory! Any GSAS student is welcome!

    • Research Committee

      • No updates.

    • Finance Committee

      • Request: Social Committee requests $500 for trivia night on May 7 -- approved.

      • Request: Chemistry Department requests $400 for interdepartmental meeting at the end of the semester, following COVID guidelines -- approved.

    • Graduate Education Committee

      • No updates.

    • Student Council

      • Voting on the summer budget on Tuesday (5/4). Standard procedural stuff; nothing in the budget that will directly affect our constituency.

      • One resolution upcoming in support of HR-1, For the People Act.

  3. Elections

    • Congratulations to our newly elected officers!

      • Honor Council Representative: Shalmi Barman

    • Positions still open:

      • Vice President - Administration

        • Responsibilities: reach out to committees before monthly meetings to get updates that they will share; put together initial agenda and send to president; work on GSAS orientation; help the president with whatever they need.

      • Vice President - Communications

        • Responsibilities: keep the minutes of monthly meetings; update GSAS Council website; compile announcements into an email to circulate to department reps to forward to their departments; keep GSAS student body informed of upcoming Council events or announcements.

      • One Social Committee Co-Chair

        • Responsibilities: plan events that the GSAS student body will enjoy (hopefully in person next year)!

      • Both University Judiciary Committee representatives

        • Responsibilities: serve on the University Judiciary Committee; enhance community values and investment.

      • One Student Council representative

        • Responsibilities: meet every Tuesday; vote on resolutions and bills; serve on Student Council committees if interested; represent graduate student interests to the Student Council.

    • Please contact GSASC President Aaron Thompson if you are interested in any of these positions. We hope to fill these early next year!

  4. For the Good of the Order

    • Happy birthday to our outgoing research co-chair, Jeremy Eberle!

    • Have a great and safe summer, everyone!