
May General Body Meeting

Monday, May 4th 6:00pm


  1. Welcome

  2. Kevin McDonald, VP for Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion

    • Heading the roll-out of the inclusive excellence framework, which is to progress diversity inclusion

    • Four pillars

      • Access and success

      • More faculty, staff, and students for campus climate inclusion

      • Education and scholarship to graduate UVA students and collaborate in a global marketplace

      • Institutional infrastructure: policies, practices, etc. that help or hinder and how they manifest themselves

    • How to engage in notions of community engagement?

    • If you’re interested in learning more, visit the UVA Office for Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion website.

    • Looking for graduate student input

  3. Updates, News, and Reminders

    • Check in with student requests for help

      • Six asks of the UVA petition (160+ signatories)

        • Extend time to completion and milestone requirements by one year for all PhD students

        • Extend and expand funding opportunities for all PhD students, including and especially late-stage PhD students and those on the job market

        • Allow MA Students the option of taking an additional semester to complete their thesis, enrolled under “Off-Grounds” status

        • Ensure graduate students on F-1 and J-1 visas are able to maintain their visa status, and that they have access to similar financial assistance as has been made available to US citizens

        • Provide affordable health care coverage for all PhD students, including those no longer covered by departmental funding

        • Provide formal channels for Student Instructors, TAs and RAs to join the decision-making process for remote teaching and research if social distancing continues into the Fall Semester

        • Link here to the six asks letter

      • Survey about online classes sent to some graduate students; may be sent out to graduate students as well

      • Financial support for graduate students to transition to online

    • Fall 2020 Committee and Chairs Summit Letter

    • Final Exercises Update

      • Not sent to all students

      • Two options: weekend preceding Homecomings and weekend after Final Exercises 2021

      • To be held on the Lawn

      • Realistically will be in the spring

    • Provost’s Committee on Graduate Education during COVID-19

      • New, formed last week

      • Only met once so far

    • Department updates

      • Email Tyler Wake who the department representative will be next year

  4. Committee Updates

    • Honor Committee (Adam Huckaby & Charlotte McClintock)

      • Reports of landlords for failure to pay rent — made decision to executive drop all of the cases coming in

    • University Judiciary Committee (Kyle Chattleton & Jacob Botsford)

      • New representative incoming

    • Student Council (Jason Evans)

      • New president

      • Passed several resolutions (mostly internal)

      • There are plans for graduate student tours

    • Initiatives Committee (Rob Dyer & Natalia Perez)

      • No updates

    • Social Committee (Tyler Wake)

      • No updates

    • Research Committee (Shalmi Barman & Jeremy Eberle)

      • No updates

    • Finance Committee (MJ Nilayamgode)

      • Funding requests

      • No updates, no requests

  5. [Elections]

    • Vice President of Communications

      • Brittany Acors nominated, voted in

    • Initiatives Committee Co-Chairs

      • Two positions open

    • Social Committee Co-Chair

      • One position open

    • Finance Committee Chair

      • Position open

    • If you are interested in any of the open positions, please contact Tyler Wake.

  6. For the Good of the Order