March 2024 General Body Meeting

Mar. 11th, 2024, 6:00-7:30 PM
Newcomb South Meeting Room

1.     Call to Order and Remarks (Max Schnidman, 1 Minute)

2.     Consultation on Parking and Transportation (Kendall Howell, Assistant Director of Transportation; (tentatively) Alison Day, General Manager of UTS, 20 minutes)

3.     Council Business (25 Minutes)

a.     Inclusive Excellence Team (Gillian, 5 minutes)

b.     Strengthening departmental associations (Max Schnidman, 20 minutes)

4.     Committee Business (11 minutes)

a.     Finance Committee (Tyler Barnes, 5 minutes)

b.     Research Committee (Zoe Robertson, 2 minutes)

c.      Social Committee (Gillian Courtney, 2 minutes)

d.     Graduate Education Committee (Aaron Thompson and Ian Winchester, 2 minutes)

5.     For the Good of the Order

a.     Elections (Max Schnidman, 3 minutes)