
March General Body Meeting

Zoom, 3/1/21, 7 pm

  1. Updates, News, and Reminders

    • Total attendance: 28.

    • Guest: United Campus Workers Virginia Union (Crystal Luo) -

      • Graduate student workers currently comprise the largest percent of the union, so focusing on us as part of the upcoming spring campaign (we want the university to recognize us as the workers that we are!).

      • Please join us at office hours if you have any additional questions, this Thursday (3/4) at 7pm!

    • Arts on the Hill - Looking to include Graduate students. Interested graduate student groups should contact Tyler.

    • Consensual Relationship Policy Updates and Comments Period

      • Please direct comments to Tyler, who will communicate them with administration.

    • Check out the Graduate and Professional Student Housing posting (Link).

    • New Aetna agreement negotiated this year will expand resources for mental health.

    • Received updates from Fall Grant Winners, about 50% of awards have been spent.

      • There have been some delays due to travel restrictions.

    • Elections will take place at the April 5 meeting.

      • Current leaders will hear from Tyler; openings will be known and publicized in advance.

      • All positions will be open, and we hope to have the majority filled by April/May.

  2. Committee Updates

    • Honor Committee

      • Non-payment of rent no longer considered an act of theft.

      • Currently working on inequities of one-year leave sanction.

      • Honor meeting will be open for comment:


    • University Judiciary Committee

      • Recently updated constitution and bylaws.

      • It’s important to vote when you see the email! UJC hasn’t been able to pass resolutions in recent years because they haven’t been able to hit quorum with the student body.

      • Unprecedented number of cases, especially related to COVID.

    • Social Committee

      • Brainstorming for some sort of virtual end-of-year event!

    • Research Committee

      • Research grant round two winners:

      • Received Huskey applications Friday, to be reviewed this week.

      • The exhibition will be Tuesday, March 30, from 1:30 to 5 pm, with workshops leading up to the presentations:

      • We’re giving out $17,500 in awards this year!!

    • Finance Committee

      • Passed the Huskey budget = $7375.

      • About $3,500 remaining in budget for this academic year.

    • Graduate Education Committee

      • No updates.

  3. For the Good of the Order

    • Grad students should try to come to Student Council General Body Meetings!

    • Come to EnviroDay Research Symposium!

      • Friday, March 19, 10 am - 5 pm

EnviroDay_2021 flyer.png