
March General Body Meeting

Monday, March 2nd 6:00pm

Newcomb South Meeting Room

  1. Welcome

  2. Updates, New, & Reminders

    • Harold Goss, UVa Libraries

      • All books were recently moved from Alderman to other locations

      • Turnaround times as of today (on average):

        • LEO: 3.2 business days

        • ILL: 6.6 business days

      • Renovations are for the whole building, and are mainly focused on getting the building up to code

        • Will preserve the look and feel of rooms like the Harry Potter room (McGregor room)

    • Graduate student housing updates

      • U-Gardens students will have priority placement at Copley (should already know)

      • If the move-out date doesn’t work for you, email housing; buildings not going offline until end of August

        • Rent will be pro-rated

      • Reached out to third party property managers to discuss options

      • Can use I-20 or visa for identification and application purposes

      • Full-time UVa students can be pre-approved if using a student ID or acceptance letter

      • Call the property manager first, and confirm that the property manager will adhere to what they’ve told UVa housing

    • Student health insurance/building updates

      • More than half of the graduate students on the student health insurance are subsidized

      • Next year there will be ~15% increase in premiums (expected, going with the market)

      • Radiology will be in the new student health building

      • Contact Kellie Gildersleeve (student health liaison for health insurance) if you have questions about insurance:

    • Department updates

  3. Committee Updates

    • Honor Committee (Adam Huckaby & Charlotte McClintock)

      • Two referenda on the ballot for Honor, but neither passed because not enough people voted

        • One of the referenda is an impeachment process for Honor members

      • Honor research grant

        • Applications due March 8

        • Anything related to community building

    • University Judiciary Committee (Kyle Chattleton & Jacob Botsford)

      • Update on UJC amendments

        • Changing “hate crime” to include gender expression, but fewer than 10% of the student population voted, so not included

    • Student Council (Jason Evans)

      • Concern over treatment of Chinese people with the coronavirus of the government

        • Working on drafting a letter

      • Food pantry is open in Newcomb

      • If there are any ideas to bring up to the Student Council, please contact Jason

    • Initiatives Committee (Rob Dyer & Natalia Perez)

      • Fee for gym access over the summer will not be waived; working on getting some outside fund or other avenues

      • Grad guide is in progress

    • Social Committee (Tyler Wake)

      • Event with Engineering School: Bring-Your-Own-Boardgame, outdoor event

        • In Crozet, VA

        • Passenger van/bus for April 25 (Saturday)

      • Potential Random Row event with food trucks (potentially first/second week of April)

    • Research Committee (Shalmi Barman & Jeremy Eberle)

      • Two successful workshops on how to give a talk and open scholarship principles

      • Huskey Research Symposium will be March 4, 2020 (Byrd Morris room in the Small Collections library)

        • Three different sessions, five presenters per talk

        • Brian Nosek is the keynote speaker (5:05pm – 5:45pm)

        • Wine and cheese reception in the solarium of the Colonnade Club (6 – 7)

        • Need volunteers to help set-up and manage some aspects of the event (contact Jeremy)

    • Finance Committee (MJ Nilayamgode)

      • No requests for funding this month

      • If you have funding requests, please submit.

  4. For the Good of the Order

    • Elections for 2020-2021 academic year will start next month

      • If you know of someone who you want to nominate or would like to be nominated, email Emma and we will vote in April

    • Achintya nominated and voted in for 2020-2021 as representative for Honor Committee