
February General Body Meeting

Monday, February 3rd 6:00pm

Newcomb South Meeting Room

  1. Welcome

  2. Updates, New, & Reminders

    • Alderman Library

      • Background and history on Edwin A. Alderman by Matthew Frakes (History Department)

      • Reconvene next month on whether to support a renaming of Alderman Library during its renovation

    • LiveSafe App

      • Available on iOS and Android

      • Allows anonymous reports to university and community police; maps of blue lights; walk a friend home or walk you home via GPS coordinates; reports from the university

    • Student Health Insurance Update

      • Aetna increased reimbursements for in-network providers and decreased the copay for out-of-network providers for mental health services

      • Visit CAPS website for more information and updates for mental health providers accepting new patients

    • Public Service Week: March 23rd – 28th

    • Library/LEO call for updates

      • Issues

        • Turnaround is much slower, from 2-3 days, currently 2-3 weeks

        • Instead of ILL requests are now sent as recalls

        • ILL times have reduced from 3 months to 1 month

        • Some ILL loans are just being cancelled without notification

        • Will work on getting in contact with a library representative

    • Board of Visitors Student Member Application

    • Department Updates

  3. Committee Updates

    • Honor Committee (Adam Huckaby & Charlotte McClintock)

      • Honor research grant for community building, call for proposals coming soon

    • University Judiciary Committee (Kyle Chattleton & Jacob Botsford)

      • Bylaws and amendments passed, but will not be official until the university election

    • Student Council (Jason Evans)

      • FR-1921: resolution to denounce the “watch list” of students connected to big donors (“institutional interest”) — was passed by Student Council

      • UVA Community Food Pantry in Newcomb open to all students (Mon. – Thurs. 9am-11pm; Fri. 9am-6pm; closed Sat.; Sun. 12pm-9pm); visit for more information

      • If there are any ideas to bring up to the Student Council, please contact Jason

    • Initiatives Committee (Rob Dyer & Natalia Perez)

      • Draft of graduate student guide to the university

      • Draft of cheat sheet of graduate schools and IM-Rec

      • Information on taxes for international graduate students – no such help exists currently

    • Social Committee (Tyler Wake)

      • Winter Formal

        • Successful, came in under budget

        • Attendance was above 300

    • Research Committee (Shalmi Barman & Jeremy Eberle)

      • Huskey Research Symposium will be March 4, 2020

        • Received 38 applications, will be reviewing with faculty this coming week

        • Workshop by PhD+ on how to give a talk

    • Finance Committee (MJ Nilayamgode)

      • Funding requests

      • Environmental science department research symposium, $400 for lunch and reception catering – February 28

        • Passed

      • Huskey Research Symposium, $8150 total budget, support from GSASC is $1300 to cover catering, bar, and office supplies; other funds are from the Office of the Associate Dean, $3000; $3850 from Office of Graduate and Postdoctoral Affairs (honorarium speakers, poster printing, etc.)

        • Passed

      • If you have funding requests, please submit.

  4. For the Good of the Order