February General Body Meeting

February 6th, 2023, 6:00-7:30 PM

Newcomb South Meeting Room

1. Greetings, Call to Order

2. Large Group (25 min)

a. GSAS Trivia!, Louisa Liles, Aaron Thompson, Kylor Kerns (25 min)

3. GSAS Business (30 min)

a. Finance Committee (15min), Max Schnidman

i. Funding requests

1. 4 requests- chem no money

2. enviroday (300$)

3. Research (~1010$) for Huskey Events

4. Art and English symposium ($600 requested, can vote on $500)

5. All four pass

ii. online voting and funding policy code changes

1. Spreadsheet difficulties; sometimes difficult with multiple organizations toward one item but seems doable

2. $ of gsas money per gsas student attending, not $ of total money contributed per gsas student attending

3. Talk of adjusting $ per gsas head as SAF funds increase

4. $8 a head exclusively for food funding for committee meetings, general body meetings.

5. Feasibility: attendance, meeting cost per head, possibility of staying within budget.

6. Votes: flexibility for additional requests (approved), $12 per head (approved) additional details for budgets (approved), additional time for internal requests, Q&A process (approved), waiting to vote on feasibility wording

7. Online votes: tabling the discussion

b. Stipend Increase, TA requirement change Shy’Anne Turner (15min)- guaranteed sixth year funding came with requirement for extra 2 semesters of TAing Jennifer (art history) says this is the case for art history, students understood that this would be the case, no surprises in art history.

i. Why didn't we get 6 years? Ask China

4. For the Good of the Order (20 min)

a. Quick summary of meeting with admin re: late pay (Louisa) can circulate notes

i. Mostly a situation of individual people not meeting their deadlines

b. Diversifying Scholarship Conference, Zoe Robertson (5min)

i. Information and Links in the General channel on teams!

ii. Relay to departments if relevant

iii. Registration deadline is March 3rd

c. Departmental Conference attendance policies: stipend vs reimbursement, Yafrainy Familia (5min)

i. No longer receiving stipends ahead of time for conferences or specific research grants, instead they are supposed to create expense reports. Beatriz says same has happened in Political Science department, happened in October. Econ also has always been reimbursements. Same with Math. English gets payment up front, as recently as last October. EnvSci always has been reimbursement. Also Chemistry, unless it’s a travel grant. Might be worth exploring a little more and collecting some data on this. Would be interesting to formalize across departments.

d. UVA HR Childcare initiative, Shalmi Barman (5min): UVA HR has formed a family support group which has represetnation from faculty senate, staff senate, all kinds of people but not grad students. Aaron spoke to the organizer, seems that graduate student interests are not in their scope right now. Leader of famliy support group told Aaron that the provost wants to send the graduate students a special survey. Seen as something that does not affect a whole lot of people so it’s not high on their priority list

e. Listserv moderation, to clarify our policy, Kylor (2min)

i. If something is funded by GSAS and open to all of GSAS or is an internal event, it will be forwarded.

ii. If it is run by departments but not funded by GSAS, it can be posted into teams, the twitter account, and can be announced at meetings.

f. Huskey is coming up! Successful work from research chairs, thank you!

g. Raven Fellowships,

i. fund up to $2,500 worth of independent research for the summer and fall of 2023. The application is due March 5th, 2023 at 11:59pm. Info in teams general channel

h. Enviroday, February 24th in Clark Library (information posted in teams)

i. GSAS Valentines Ball, This Friday! Cocktail hour at the graduate and Dancing at the rotunda