
December General Body Meeting

Paper Meeting

  1. Meeting format

    • Because the committees had few reports to make this month, we held a “paper meeting” instead, which consisted of the minutes below.

  2. Updates, News, and Reminders

    • Miller Mclean (French Rep) -- GTA wages are unevenly distributed throughout the academic year, i.e. we receive $250 more per month in the spring semester than in the fall. French department asks that we consider petitioning the Graduate School to change this practice, making the payments equal in fall and spring semesters..

  3. Committee Updates

    • Honor Committee

      • Issues for next semester: (1) Single sanction system, (2) Graduate participation in University elections, and (3) Rent as an Honor violation.

    • University Judiciary Committee

      • No updates.

    • Social Committee

      • Brainstorming ways to use the funds we’ve been allocated to facilitate safe but fun social activities for grad students; contact the chairs to share any ideas.

    • Research Committee

      • Forty-six submissions were received for the Fall round of research grants.

    • Finance Committee

      • No requests for funding.

    • Graduate Education Committee

      • Met 12/3 to discuss a departmental survey about restructuring or revising graduate

        education. Discussed what should be included in that survey.

  4. For the Good of the Order

    • Our February meeting is tentatively scheduled for 2/1 at 6:30 pm via Zoom.

    • Have a safe and relaxing winter break!