
December General Body Meeting

Monday, December 2nd 6:00pm

Newcomb South Meeting Room

  1. Welcome

  2. Dean Brie Gertler, Acting Dean of the College & Graduate School of Arts and Sciences

    • Graduate initiatives: this year

      • Dean’s doctoral fellowship: incoming graduate students that are underrepresented minorities relative to their discipline

      • Teaching relief fellowships for graduate students to provide a semester free of TA responsibility

      • Offering financial support for recruiting graduate students

      • Dissertation fellowship [Strategic Investment Fund (SIF) money]

    • Graduate initiatives: next year

      • Interdisciplinary doctoral fellowships for different interdisciplinary clusters

      • Bridge to the doctorate program to diversify the graduate student population

  3. Updates, New, & Reminders

    • Department Updates

    • Thursday 12/5/19 is Lighting of the Lawn (LOTL)

      • Sip and See historical tour of the Rotunda at 3pm

      • Reception leading up to the event 6pm – 8pm

  4. Committee Updates

    • Honor Committee (Adam Huckaby & Charlotte McClintock)

      • Developing a grant for graduate students (still in the works)

    • University Judiciary Committee (Kyle Chattleton & Jacob Botsford)

      • No updates

    • Student Council (Jason Evans)

      • FR-1921: resolution to denounce the “watch list” of students connected to big donors (“institutional interest”)

      • Taken to a vote, passed to vote “yes” on the wording of FR-1921

    • Initiatives Committee (Rob Dyer & Natalia Perez)

      • Summer gym membership – following up

      • Handbook of information for incoming graduate students – if you know if any resources, please send to the Initiatives Committee co-chairs

    • Social Committee (Tyler Wake)

      • Winter Formal

        • Propose to contribute $1500 – taken to a vote, passed

        • Location will be downtown

        • Expected date January 17 or 18

    • Research Committee (Shalmi Barman & Jeremy Eberle)

      • Huskey Research Symposium will be March 4, 2020

      • Huskey applications will be going out soon

    • Finance Committee (Nick Scott)

      • Diversifying Scholarship Conference

        • $400 for reception (food from Food of All Nations)

        • Taken to a vote, passed

      • Jefferson Lecture by the Chemistry Department

        • $400 for reception (food from Food of All Nations and Costco)

        • Taken to a vote, passed

      • Climate change colloquium by the Classics Department

        • $200 for reception and $200 for coffee/breakfast

        • Taken to a vote, passed

      • Slavic Forum by the Slavic Department

        • $400 for UVA catering

        • Taken to a vote, passed

      • If you have funding requests, please submit!

      • Nick is leaving for Santiago next semester, so we need a new finance chair

        • Nominated MJ – voted in as the new finance committee chair

  5. For the Good of the Order