December General Body Meeting

December 5, 2022, 6:00-7:30 PM

Newcomb South Meeting Room

1. Call to Order (10min)

a. [From Kylor] This past month has been an impossible situation. As community members, TAs, and students, violence to our university affects each and every one of us. I have been in continuous awe of the fierce support and resources I have found from my peers and mentors. I deeply thank you all for showing up tonight, continuing to be leaders for your peers, and advocates for your department and future graduates. Life feels hard sometimes and its ok to admit that too. Please reach out in any capacity if you need to talk to someone or would like to be linked to any university resource. The point of what we do, why we do GSASC, is community. Is so that people have a way to connect to each other, lean on each other, and continue asking for better from this world and university. I welcome you all to think about how we might best continue to do this as we approach winter break and kick back into the spring semester. Hugs to everyone, I am sorry I can’t be here in person to address you all. Have a wonderful break!

b. Resources:

i. 🧡 Family & Community Assistance Center: IM-Rec Fitness Center at 505 Edgemont Rd

ii. 🧡 Counseling and Psychological Services (CAPS):

iii. 🧡 Faculty & Employee Assistance (FEAP): tel:4342432643

iv. 🧡 TimelyCare:

c. Space for anyone to say anything they would like (5min)

2. GSAS Business

a. Update on Fall Research Grants (Submissions are in!) - Eric Donarski (5min)

i. More applications than in the Spring. Email out to those who have volunteered to review. A little behind schedule- pushing back deadline for reviewers and notifying applicants. Research committee- expect an email on Wednesday with important details on application reviews. Should be done around December 20th with the understanding that a break is coming up. Any questions, let Eric know!

b. Sourcing ideas for spring to better include graduate student parents in grad student social life on Grounds- Aaron Thompson (5 min)

i. Childcare initiative update: Met with China and dean of postdoctoral affairs to show all of the work that has been done and support gathered from GSAS and other grad students. In the works with BOV, provost, etc to sus out what the stipends would look like.

ii. Our role in Spring: Develop grad student parent culture, particularly with social events (family friendly at the least). The goal is to have a few events that are friendly towards student parents. Aaron is happy to answer questions.

c. Finance Committee- Max (5 min)

i. Funding request for Chemistry Department annual speaker ($300): Speaker appealing to Chema and BIMS. Funds primarily toward food. Central council vote. APPROVED.

ii. Want to codify new intramural language, opening funding up to city leagues: Circulated earlier today. Looking for ways to get money more easily out to grad students. Can apply to city and county leagues that consist of majority graduate students from multiple departments (requiring a team roster to verify). Setting a $100 limit per team to cover ONLY registration fees, but can be revised in future years. Can only apply once per academic year. There have been provisions for intramurals in the past, but we want clearer language. If approved, we will update on website and posters to be shared with departments. Would it be possible to work on the idea of not requiring an interdisciplinary team? The main concern is only to fund the majority of graduate student leagues. Quick poll: Okay with removing the requirement of an interdisciplinary team. APPROVED.

iii. New Poster (attached in today’s email) for advertising funding to circulate to departments. APPROVED.

d. Social – Brielle (8+ min) Proposed Formal Event: Valentine’s Day Ball at the Rotunda in February. Some discussion with finance committee, but helpful to have larger group discussion. Talking about possibility of virtual vote.

i. Quick summary: February 10th at 7 pm, formal event for grad students in Rotunda. Ballroom dance lessons, waltz, dessert buffet, alcoholic beverages. Communicated with UPC. Cville String possibly. $15 per ticket.

ii. What if someone shows up to the door without a ticket? Rotunda manager can’t actually restrict people from coming in. Possibly have people pay at the door, but there is a capacity limit and will be advertised as ticketed event. Question about this being a ticketed event, we generally don’t make our events ticketed and we want to provide inclusive events.

iii. Attire: Formal attire, but not black tie (that requires tuxedo). Won’t be strict if someone shows up without the exact right attire.

iv. Some interest has been gauged with positive feedback.

v. Ballroom dance club charges $15 for their annual event in the Rotunda.

3. Large Group Discussion

a. Update, conversation, feedback about GSASC constitution reform – Aaron Thompson (15- 20 min)

i. After some meetings with MJ and Achintya, there are new changes in constitution and bylaws teams channel (Constitution list comparison doc) that are primarily grammar/format. Major points: 6 purposes in the order of priority. Want feedback on 1st one, “to advocate for [OR] represent GSAS students...” Why not both?

ii. How does GSAS interface as a liaison between faculty and student? Not so much individually, but more in the sense that we get feedback from students to present to administration and faculty. The language may need to be workshopped to more clearly reflect how we act as a liaison.

b. Responsibilities of Finance Committee relative to Central Council- Max (10 min)

i. There have been concerns about the responsibilities of Finance Committee and Central Council in funding decisions. Want to solicit feedback to understand the Central Council’s views on these responsibilities.

1. Some difficulty for general body members to assess how decisions have been made in the past and present. Newer members may be more in the dark.

2. As requests come in, Finance makes sure they match the funding policy (see on website). Finance looks at event in context of all event applications.

3. Finance committee looks to minimize risk to the budget. This is why Finance must ask questions and bring up concerns.

4. Poll: Should Finance committee meetings be opened up? Will people show up? May want to start with open session and lead into closed session.

5. What value is added by bringing discussions to general body? We should trust the committees to do their jobs.

6. It is ultimately the general body’s decision to approve funding (why we put these things to a vote). The Finance committee is meant to make recommendations. Anything that is brought to the Finance committee, that is shared with the general body IF a requestor has responded to any remaining concerns by the time a GBM happens.

7. Anyone in GBM can motion to a vote.

8. Further discussion with constitution and bylaws.

ii. In addition to clarifications, some potential policy changes to discuss:

1. Reemphasizing and publicizing our open committee meetings to get broader attendance and feedback? Meetings are supposed to be closed, per bylaws, but unofficially open

2. Switching around the order of finance committee proposal process so gen bod hears the initial proposals?

c. Need for department reps to pool knowledge about the current status quo re: 6th year funding for PhD students – Shalmi (5min)

i. Is there any department that has 6th year funding?

ii. Pitch: If we get 6th year funding, please make it the same across the board and ensure equity.

iii. What would restructuring look like? A conversation should be had with China.

4. For the Good of the Order/Old Business (5min)

a. No confirmation yet from China about budget for next year. It seems like it's likely going to be 30k for GSAS but she is still tying up loose ends.

b. Huskey has been announced!

i. More information and application form:

ii. Deadline for applications: JANUARY 30

iii. Exhibition date: MARCH 17

iv. Eligibility: All students enrolled in GSAS and BIMS who have not previously presented at Huskey

5. Have a great Break!