
August General Body Meeting

Monday, August 31st 6:30pm


  1. Roll Call

    • Reached quorum of 7 department representatives

  2. Updates, News, and Reminders

    • New Guidelines for Online Meetings

      • When someone is giving a report, please wait until the end to comment or ask questions.

      • Comments/questions will be more formal--raise hand/signal in chat (stack) that you would like to contribute. Tyler will make a list and call on people in turn.

      • Roll call will happen at the beginning of every meeting to ensure quorum for voting matters.

    • New Department Counts and Representatives

      • Chemistry, English, Physics, Religious Studies, Economics, Psychology, and Statistics get 2 representatives

      • History has been decreased to 1 representative; Tyler will verify with Tracy (registrar) to ensure MA students are included in the department’s count.

    • Recruitment of New Members and Initiatives Chairs

      • Current open positions: Initiatives Committee Chairs (2 positions); Student Council representative (1 position)

      • Max Schnidman elected Finance Committee Chair

      • Students interested in a position as department representative, general body member, or a role on a committee may sign up here.

  3. Committee Updates

    • Honor Committee

      • Anti-Racism Solidarity Statement

      • Finalizing recruitment for support officers, would especially like more graduate students to sign up (look for email from TCA Achintya)

      • Honor will be debating whether non-payment of rent will continue to be counted as an Honor violation (suspended since COVID crisis began).

    • University Judiciary Committee

      • See Gabby Cox’s 8/31 email about public health and university COVID guidelines and the reporting process.

    • Student Council

      • Resolution on Racial Equity Task Force (63-page report submitted to President Jim Ryan on August 10, 2020)

    • Initiatives Committee

      • We need two new chairs! Contact Tyler Wake for more information or to express interest in running.

      • Finalizing summer project: “Welcome to UVA” guide through Dean of Students, with GSASC input

    • Social Committee

      • Brainstorming ways to use the funds we’ve been allocated to facilitate safe but fun social activities for grad students; contact the chairs to share any ideas.

    • Research Committee

      • Brainstorming ways to continue Huskey Research Exhibition

      • GSASC Research Grant

        • Considering two rounds of grants instead of one; will be debated when the budget is confirmed.

    • Finance Committee

      • This Year’s Budget and Last Year’s Expenses

        • Last year’s budget was close to $14k, but over $7k went unspent.

        • We were able to carry forward close to $4k to this year, so the current budget is just over $18k.

        • Open to ideas for how to allocate the money to best fulfill the goals of the Council and help graduate students.

      • Rejected Funding Request

        • Sociology requested funding for an honorarium for a guest speaker, but our bylaws prevent us from funding this, so the committee rejected it.

  4. For the Good of the Order

    • Worker’s Union at UVA

    • Note about the bylaws: we have to be careful about political statements, since this is an election year, and we are at a public institution and open to all graduate students. Announcing volunteer opportunities is okay; asking the Council to campaign is different.

    • Discontent that UVA is bringing back undergraduate students to Grounds

      • GPC president Tre Tennyson was in the meeting with President Ryan, so graduate voices were heard.

      • GSAS has attempted to address discontent by not making in-person teaching mandatory for graduate TAs.

      • Considered circulating a statement or letter with GSASC’s position; tabled until Jason can get a feel for Student Council’s reaction.

    • Open position for a representative on the Graduate Education Committee

    • All GSASC meetings will be remote (via Zoom) for the foreseeable future.

    • Next month, Dean Barnaby will visit the meeting to answer questions and hear concerns about GSAS’s response to graduate student issues.