
April General Body Meeting

Zoom, 4/5/21, 7 pm

  1. Updates, News, and Reminders

    • Total attendance: 26. At least half of the departments were represented, so we had quorum for elections.

  2. Committee Updates

    • Honor Committee

      • New Executive Council was elected in university-wide elections.

    • University Judiciary Committee

      • Yearly case-in-review (April 1, 2020 - April 1, 2021).

      • Total of 31 cases, which was the highest in three years.

    • Social Committee

      • Virtual trivia night scheduled with Geeks Who Drink for Friday, May 7, at 7 pm.

      • More details soon to come—please forward them to your departments when available.

    • Research Committee

      • Huskey recap: 24 presenters across GSAS, with rolling participation around 25-30 people on the Zoom call at a time.

      • Total attendance approximately on par with a non-virtual year!

      • Thanks to the reviewers who helped us select some really awesome speakers!

    • Finance Committee

      • We still have a couple thousand dollars in the budget if anyone wants to make requests before the May meeting.

    • Graduate Education Committee

      • No updates.

  3. Elections

    • Congratulations to our newly elected officers for the 2021 - 2022 academic year:

      • President: Aaron Thompson

      • VP Finance: MJ Nilayamgode

      • Finance Chair: Max Schnidman

      • Research Co-Chairs: Eric Donarski, Jay Crowell

      • Social Co-Chair: Jesse Helman

      • Honor Representative: TCA Achintya

      • Student Council Representative: Jason Evans

    • Positions still available: Vice President - Administration, Vice President - Communications, one Social Co-Chair, both University Judiciary Committee representatives, one Honor Council representative, one Student Council representative, and representatives to the Graduate Education Committee.

      • We will hold elections again in May to fill the remaining positions. Please contact Tyler Wake or incoming president Aaron Thompson if you are interested in any of these positions.

  4. For the Good of the Order

    • Next month’s meeting: Monday, May 3, at 7 pm, via Zoom.