
April General Body Meeting

Monday, April 6th 6:00pm


  1. Welcome

  2. Dean Ian Baucom (Dean of the College and Graduate School of Arts and Sciences) and Dean Dinko Počanić (Associate Dean of the Graduate School of Arts and Sciences)

    • Encourages graduate students to think about what kind of support they need from their Deans: time-to-degree, jobs, qualifying exams, stipends, fellowships, disruptions of upcoming academice rewards for research, etc.

      • Would like to know key concerns and questions from graduate students

    • Working with the university to waive summer fee — if the university does not agree, Dean Baucom will take additional action

    • Working on potentially adding a year of funding for current students

    • Honoring all offers for new incoming students for Fall 2020, but the waitlists are currently frozen — incoming classes may be slightly smaller than usual

    • Working on a contingency plan for the fall, which may be disrupted due to the pandemic

  3. Updates, New, & Reminders

  4. Committee Updates

    • Honor Committee (Adam Huckaby & Charlotte McClintock)

      • Temporarily suspended all case processing

      • Converting all processes online

      • Some landlords are threatening eviction for not paying rent

        • These cases will be suspended currently, even though it is something that can be reported in the Honor Committee bylaws

        • Incoming committee will handle the rest of this

      • New executive committee chosen on April 3

    • University Judiciary Committee (Kyle Chattleton & Jacob Botsford)

      • Extraordinary circumstances have resulted in many changes in the UJC operation

      • Members of the executive committee will be staying on until May

      • Case processing has been suspended

      • Still evaluating complaints as they are coming to the executive committee

        • Students can still continue filing complaints to UJC online

        • Some Asian and Asian-American students in the committee facing discrimination, and they can be brought to UJC

        • Members of the community not following the social distancing guidelines and policies implemented by the state and federal government can be brought to UJC as well

    • Student Council (Jason Evans)

      • Food pantries on Grounds are closed

      • Student Council is working on how to deliver food to students in need in the area

      • UVA mutual aid has opened, matching program for students in need can be matched; need to request via online form

        • As of March 29, there is $14,000 available

        • Please fill out the these two forms if you are able to DONATE and offer critical resources to students in need.

        • Please fill out the last form if you need to request MONETARY RESOURCES or travel assistance. UVA StudCo will pair you with a donor and offer up to $100 of assistance.

        • If you need non-monetary resources (housing, transportation, etc.), please refer to the public spreadsheet with resources posted. Please reach out to the donor with the resources you need. They are here to help!

        • If you have any questions, comments, or concerns, please reach out to Isabella Liu at (415) 660-8319 or email

    • Initiatives Committee (Rob Dyer & Natalia Perez)

      • Gym access – still working on it, but not a priority due to the current pandemic circumstances

      • If you would like to contribute to a draft for information for incoming graduate students, please contact Natalia Perez

    • Social Committee (Tyler Wake)

      • Possible Zoom groups for board games, happy hour, etc.

    • Research Committee (Shalmi Barman & Jeremy Eberle)

      • Huskey Research Symposium went well in early March,

        • Good feedback and attendance

    • Finance Committee (MJ Nilayamgode)

      • No requests

  5. [Elections]

    • President

      • Tyler Wake nominated, voted in

    • Vice President of Administration

      • Kelley Rose nominated, voted in

    • Vice President of Communications

      • Position open

    • Vice President of Finances

      • MJ Nilayamgode nominated, voted in

    • Honor Committee representative

      • Vivian Reed nominated, voted in

    • UJC representatives

      • Ieva Juska nominated, voted in

      • Aaron Thompson nominated, voted in

      • Sam Powers nominated

    • Student Council representative

      • Jason Evans nominated, voted in

    • Initiatives Committee Co-Chairs

      • Two positions open

    • Social Committee Co-Chairs

      • Jay Crowell nominated, voted one

      • One position open

    • Research Committee Co-Chairs

      • Jeremy Eberle nominated, voted in

      • Katie Daniel nominated, voted in

    • Finance Committee Chair

      • Position open

    • If you are interested in any of the open positions, please contact Emma Cronin. Elections for opens positions will occur during the May 4 monthly GSASC meeting.

    • Congratulations to those already on the Council for 2020-2021!

  6. For the Good of the Order