Vacancy: 1 University Judiciary Committee Representative still needed

Due to insufficient number of voting representatives, voting has been postponed until the next (August) meeting.

Pro Dev Co-Chair nominee Jennifer McDaniels

Volunteers will be needed for the GSAS Orientation luncheon for incoming first year grad students. The luncheon will be Tuesday, August 18th. Twenty-six volunteers are needed to sit and talk with the new students during the luncheon, and nine volunteers are needed to check IDs. A google document for signups is forthcoming. Note that ID checkers will need to have completed Event Manager training via Collab -- see the VPSA website for more information.

Finance Committee: Proposed changes to the Finance Policy and the 2015-2016 budget will be voted on next meeting.

Funding Requests: GSASC will be voting on external funding requests next meeting. Requests should be submitted online by Friday, July 24th.

Next meeting: Regular time (first monday of the month, August 3rd, 6pm) at different location (Newcomb South Meeting Room)